Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Too Close to a Tiger

Too Close to a Tiger
Originally uploaded by Joe Little
Ok we're back and blogging again. Its Joe's birthday this week so we made another trip to Marwell Zoo this weekend. This was Callum's "Tigie". Unfortunately all other big cats are now called "Tigie's" too.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Caitlin's First Month

As you will probably have gathered from the lack of a blog in between, Caitlin's first month wasn't a smooth one. Unfortunately Sally had to be taken back into hospital shortly after they got home as a result of a reaction to the caesarian drugs but she got home a few days later only for us to rush Caitlin back in a few days later when we found she had a heart murmur. She had no end of tests but we think since she's thriving that this is probably nothing to worry about. Whilst all of that was going on we had a constant stream of visitors, Sally's mum, my mum, sister May and niece Claire as well as a whole host of friends and family for Callum's second birthday (more on another blog). Right now we had Callum and Caitlin's cousins Alice and Harry to stay for a while and Callum is in his element.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Our little girl Caitlin

Our little girl Caitlin Megan June Little was born today at 4:52 p.m. to the final strains of Andrea Bocchelli singing "Amore". She weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and is just beautiful.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Sally in full bloom

For those of you who explicitly wanted to see Sally in full bloom. these were taken at nearby Painshill Park.


May and stopping work time for Sally

May was pretty much swallowed up really. Joe was immersed in redecorating 2 rooms, his study/studio and our 4th bedroom in preparation for Callum to move into when his little sister takes over his nursery around the end of August. That meant that Sally very kindly let him get on with it by visiting old university friends in Bath and her school friend Merilyn from Australia. Callum had a nother wee visit from his gran and aunt May and ran them ragged for a week with visits to Painshill Park, Birdworld and Sally's hospice spring fete. Well its now exactly 5 weeks until wee Twinkle (current codename for our little daughter) arrives so it will be wrapping up DIY, giving Sally a fabulous birthday and getting some well earned rest before the inevitable sleep deprivation.


Monday, April 16, 2007


I know I know but we've been busy

A huge great ton of apologies for not keeping this blog up to date for the first quarter of the year but we've been just amazingly busy. Callum is now a hefty 1 and 3/4's and is beginning to get a few words together but no sentences just yet and his comprehension is pretty impressive and his sign language is covering where words and gestures don't. His little sister (we think) is continuing to grow and we're now into the last trimester and Sally is now a bigger mama than she was with Callum so we think this will be a big girlie. We've had lots of little adventures this quarter with trips to Marlow Zoo for Joe's birthday, a local kiddies farm and to Whipsnade zoo over Easter. Sally and Joe celebrated their third wedding anniversary in Brussels and had a great time exploring the city whilst little man was "good as gold" this his grandma. His wee gran and Aunt May came to visit in March for a few days and thrilled them by not only remembering them but dragging them off immediately to play with his toys. End of March we had a lovely little break (if chilly) with Tukun, Maddy and little Rahul at Centerparcs in Elveden, Suffolk. Callum and Rahul looked genuinely thrilled to see each other every morning and rushed off to play with their toys. Joe has again been busy with his business travels this time to New York, Seattle, Germany, San Francisco and Atlanta.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Second Little Little on the way

If you haven't already heard from us on this then sorry that you are hearing about it this way. Our second baby is on the way and due sometime around the 6th of July (leaving his dad in tears holding 2 tickets for Genesis on the 8th). So far the little one, Code named "Socrates" or "Hamish" depending on your level of gullibility, is doing well and is either a girl and plumping her pillows regularly like her mum or a boy and doing regular squat thrusts like his brother.


First Real Christmas..moving to a 3 car family

We've called this Christmas Callum's first real one as he really wasn't that big last year and this was the first chance he'd have even a clue about his presents, tinsel, lights and dressing the cats with reindeer antler's (a family tradition). Callum wasn't disappointed with his new car and his new drum kit (so he can stay off of dad's for 5 minutes) and spends most of the day moveing between the 2.


What 2 visits from Santa in one year

Not only did the little guy get to meet "Farmer Christmas" in his first real Christmas but he managed to pack in a further visit at his nursery just to mae sure he got his request. Grandma and daddy came along for the visit and spent a lovely afternoon being plastered with sand, pasta and various bits of bread covered in soft cheese as a result.


Another visit to Farmer Christmas

At the beginning of December we once again trekked off to Norfolk to visit Father Christmas or "Farmer" Christmas as we now joke. This year he was not only a jolly chap but took plenty of time to speak to all of the children and clear up any potential Health and Safety issues with stray toys he could slip on with the kids as well. A big surprise for Callum was a guest appearance by Thomas' coaches "Annie and Clarabel".



Callum Shows off his walking

At the end of November we had another lovely visit from Callum's wee Gran Little and Joe's sister May (not only her first flight on a plane but her first visit to us). Callum had only just started walking the week before and being the little guy he is was quick to start showing off by walking nearly the length of Virginia Water Lake.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Callum's first Halloween

A long time since the last blog but we's been busy. First of all in October Callum had his first Halloween at Tootsie's his nursery. Mummy bought him a lovely pumpkin outfit for the day and he had a ball with all of his little friends. Daddy missed it all though as he was over in Washington D.C. speaking at a conference on Serious Games. But he took the opportunity to spend Halloween evening with his American mom and pop Laura and Arnie. Prior to visiting we had a lovely weekend in the midlands where we visited Caroline and Yvette as well as staying at Pearl and Paul's before heading off to Mosely to see Sally become a godmother again to little Harriot Whitehouse, the daughter of her good friend's Jo and Tony. November was also eventful as we took some time off to get the downstair's loo redecoration completed and Sally's study redecorated whilst being visited by wee Gran and Callum's Auntie May (her first time on a plane). Callum is now sporting a good 10 teeth and is close to speaking but he finally cracked walking at long last and from this week he's moved up to the big boys end of nursery.


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